
De Disposition de clavier bépo
Révision datée du 5 février 2008 à 22:01 par Lemoutonvert (discussion | contributions) (Annulation des modifications 1531 de Lemoutonvert)

Ktouch ne contient pas la disposition fr-dvorak-bépo. Il faut donc la rajouter manuellement.

Créez le fichier /usr/share/apps/ktouch/dvorak_fr_beta.keyboard :

# vim /usr/share/apps/ktouch/dvorak_fr_beta.keyboard

Et mettez-y ce texte :

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#    KTouch
#    Keybord layout file
# Matthieu MOY, December 7th 2004
# modified by Boris Vodungbo, january 13th 2006
#  FingerKey: This class represents the keys where
#  your fingers should rest between typing.
#          Assci        KeyText  x               y
FingerKey  97           A        18    20
FingerKey  117          U        28    20
FingerKey  105          I        38    20
FingerKey  101          E        48    20
FingerKey  116          T        78    20
FingerKey  115          S        88    20
FingerKey  110          N        98    20
FingerKey  114          R       108    20
#  ControllKey: This class will represent all the
#  controll keys that you are using. Theys keys
#  will be used later when you want to use uppercase.
#               Ascii   KeyText         x       y       Width  Height
ControlKey      260     Tab             0       10      15      10
ControlKey      13      Enter           138     10      12      20
ControlKey      258     Shift           123     30      27      10
ControlKey      264     AltGr           120     40      15      10
ControlKey      265     Ctrl            135     40      15      10
ControlKey      263     Alt             15      40      15      10
ControlKey      262     Ctrl            0       40      15      10
ControlKey      32      Space           30      40      90      10
ControlKey      257     Shift           0       30      13      10
ControlKey      259     CapsLock        0       20      18      10
ControlKey      8       BackSpace       130     0       20      10
#  NormalKey: This class represent all the
#  normal keys where you don't need to press
#  anything else then just one key. That would
#  basicly bee all the numbers and the lowercase
#  letters. For this class you have to indicate
#  witch finger key you are going to use.
#       Assci   KeyText         x       y       FingerKey
NormalKey 64    @               0       0       97
NormalKey 95    _               10      0       97
NormalKey 34    "               20      0       97
NormalKey 171   «               30      0       117
NormalKey 187   »               40      0       105
NormalKey 40    (               50      0       101
NormalKey 41    )               60      0       101
NormalKey 43    +               70      0       116
NormalKey 45    -               80      0       116
NormalKey 42    *               90      0       115
NormalKey 47    /               100     0       110
NormalKey 61    =               110     0       114
NormalKey 36    %               120     0       114
NormalKey 98    B               15      10      97
NormalKey 233   É               25      10      117
NormalKey 112   P               35      10      105
NormalKey 111   O               45      10      101
NormalKey 232   È               55      10      101
NormalKey 231   Ç               65      10      116
NormalKey 118   V               75      10      116
NormalKey 100   D               85      10      115
NormalKey 108   L               95      10      110
NormalKey 102   F               105     10      114
NormalKey 122   Z               115     10      114
NormalKey 119   W               125     10      114
NormalKey 44    ,               58      20      101
NormalKey 99    C               68      20      116
NormalKey 109   M               118     20      114
NormalKey 94    ^               128     20      114
NormalKey 234   Ê               13      30      97
NormalKey 224   À               23      30      97
NormalKey 121   Y               33      30      117
NormalKey 104   H               43      30      105
NormalKey 46    .               53      30      101
NormalKey 107   K               63      30      101
NormalKey 39    '               73      30      116
NormalKey 113   Q               83      30      116
NormalKey 103   G               93      30      115
NormalKey 120   X               103     30      110
NormalKey 106   J               113     30      114
#  HiddenKey: This is all the keys that
#  you cant see. That means that you have
#  to use a control key to get them. Basically
#  this is all the uppercase letters.
#       Ascii   Target  Finger  Control
HiddenKey 65    97      97      258 #A
HiddenKey 66    98      97      258 #B
HiddenKey 67    99      116     257 #C
HiddenKey 68    100     115     257 #D
HiddenKey 69    101     101     258 #E
HiddenKey 70    102     114     257 #F
HiddenKey 71    103     115     257 #G
HiddenKey 72    104     105     258 #H
HiddenKey 73    105     105     258 #I
HiddenKey 74    106     114     257 #J
HiddenKey 75    107     101     258 #K
HiddenKey 76    108     110     257 #L
HiddenKey 77    109     114     257 #M
HiddenKey 78    110     110     257 #N
HiddenKey 79    111     101     258 #O
HiddenKey 80    112     105     258 #P
HiddenKey 81    113     116     257 #Q
HiddenKey 82    114     114     257 #R
HiddenKey 83    115     115     257 #S
HiddenKey 84    116     116     257 #T
HiddenKey 85    117     117     258 #U
HiddenKey 86    118     116     257 #V
HiddenKey 87    119     114     257 #W
HiddenKey 88    120     110     257 #X
HiddenKey 89    121     117     258 #Y
HiddenKey 90    122     114     257 #Z

HiddenKey 192   224     97      258 #À
HiddenKey 199   231     116     257 #Ç
HiddenKey 200   232     101     258 #È
HiddenKey 201   233     117     258 #É
HiddenKey 249   234     97      258 #ù

HiddenKey 63    44      101     258 #?
HiddenKey 33    94      114     257 #!
HiddenKey 58    46      101     258 #:
HiddenKey 59    39      116     257 #;

Faites de même pour /usr/share/apps/ktouch/francais.ktouch.xml qui contient les exercices :

  <Title>Dvorak bépo</Title>
      <NewCharacters>e, t</NewCharacters>
      <Line>eeee tttt eeee tttt eeee tttt eeee tttt eeee</Line>
      <Line>eett ttee eett ttee ttee eett eett eett eett</Line>
      <Line>etet etet etet etet tete tete tete tete tete</Line>

      <NewCharacters>s, i</NewCharacters>
      <Line>iiii ssss iiii ssss iiii ssss iiii ssss iiii</Line>
      <Line>ssss iiii ssss iiii ssss iiii ssss iiii ssss</Line>
      <Line>eeee tttt eeee tttt sstt eeii sstt iiee iiss</Line>
      <Line>iets iest iets iets iets iets iets iets iets</Line>
      <Line>stei stei stei stei stei stei stei stei stei</Line>

      <NewCharacters>u, n</NewCharacters>
      <Line>uuuu nnnn uuuu nnnn uuuu nnnn uuuu nnnn uuuu</Line>
      <Line>nnnn uuuu nnnn uuuu nnnn uuuu uuuu nnnn uuuu</Line>
      <Line>uunn uunn uunn uunn uunn nnuu nnuu nnuu nnuu</Line>
      <Line>nunu nunu nunu nunu nunu unun unun unun unun</Line>
      <Line>uiet uiet nste nste nste nste nste nste nste </Line>
      <Line>uisn uisn uisn uisn uisn uisn uisn uisn uisn</Line>
      <Line>snui snui snui snui snui snui snui snui snui</Line>
      <Line>uent uent uent uent uent uent uent uent uent</Line>

      <NewCharacters>a, r</NewCharacters>
      <Line>aaaa rrrr aaaa rrrr aaaa rrrr aaaa rrrr aaaa</Line>
      <Line>rrrr aaaa rrrr aaaa rrrr aaaa rrrr aaaa rrrr</Line>
      <Line>aarr aarr aarr aarr aarr aarr aarr aarr aarr</Line>
      <Line>rraa rraa rraa rraa rraa rraa rraa rraa rraa</Line>
      <Line>arar arar arar arar arar arar arar arar arar</Line>
      <Line>rara rara rara rara rara rara rara rara rara</Line>
      <Line>aert aert aert aert aert aert aert aert aert</Line>
      <Line>rnau rnau rnau rnau rnau rnau rnau rnau rnau</Line>
      <Line>airs airs airs airs airs airs airs airs airs</Line>
      <Line>auie auie auie auie auie auie auie auie auie</Line>
      <Line>rnst rnst rnst rnst rnst rnst rnst rnst rnst</Line>
      <Line>eiua eiua eiua eiua eiua eiua eiua eiua eiua</Line>
      <Line>tsnr tsnr tsnr tsnr tsnr tsnr tsnr tsnr tsnr</Line>
      <NewCharacters>,, c</NewCharacters>
      <Line>,,,, cccc ,,,, cccc ,,,, cccc ,,,, cccc ,,,,</Line>
      <Line>cccc ,,,, cccc ,,,, cccc ,,,, cccc ,,,, cccc</Line>
      <Line>a,a, a,a, a,a, a,a, a,a, a,a, a,a, a,a, a,a,</Line>
      <Line>e,e, e,e, e,e, e,e, e,e, e,e, e,e, e,e, e,e,</Line>
      <Line>rcrc rcrc rcrc rcrc rcrc rcrc rcrc rcrc rcrc</Line>
      <Line>tctc tctc tctc tctc tctc tctc tctc tctc tctc</Line>
      <Line>auie ,cts nrau ie,c tsnr auie ,cts nrau ie,c</Line>
      <Line>,eiu ctsn ,eiu ctsn ,eiu ctsn ,eiu ctsn ctsn</Line>

      <NewCharacters>o, v</NewCharacters>
      <Line>oooo vvvv oooo vvvv oooo vvvv oooo vvvv oooo</Line>
      <Line>vvvv oooo vvvv oooo vvvv oooo vvvv oooo vvvv</Line>
      <Line>vvoo vvoo vvoo vvoo vvoo vvoo vvoo vvoo vvoo</Line>
      <Line>oovv oovv oovv oovv oovv oovv oovv oovv oovv</Line>
      <Line>uieo uieo uieo uieo uieo uieo uieo uieo uieo</Line>
      <Line>nstv nstv nstv nstv nstv nstv nstv nstv nstv</Line>
      <Line>oavr oavr oavr oavr oavr oavr oavr oavr oavr</Line>
      <Line>vsoi vsoi vsoi vsoi vsoi vsoi vsoi vsoi vsoi</Line>
      <Line>oa,v ansv orsa oa,v ansv orsa oa,v ansv orsa</Line>

      <NewCharacters>p, d</NewCharacters>
      <Line>pppp dddd pppp dddd pppp dddd pppp dddd pppp</Line>
      <Line>dddd pppp dddd pppp dddd pppp dddd pppp dddd</Line>
      <Line>ppdd ppdd ppdd ppdd ppdd ppdd ppdd ppdd ppdd</Line>
      <Line>ddpp ddpp ddpp ddpp ddpp ddpp ddpp ddpp ddpp</Line>
      <Line>dpdp dpdp dpdp dpdp dpdp dpdp dpdp dpdp dpdp</Line>
      <Line>auop auop auop auop auop auop auop auop auop</Line>
      <Line>rnvd rnvd rnvd rnvd rnvd rnvd rnvd rnvd rnvd</Line>
      <Line>povd povd povd povd povd povd povd povd povd</Line>
      <Line>dvop dvop dvop dvop dvop dvop dvop dvop dvop</Line>
      <Line>opnr doas opnr doas opnr doas opnr doas opnr</Line>

      <NewCharacters>é, l</NewCharacters>
      <Line>éééé llll éééé llll éééé llll éééé llll éééé</Line>
      <Line>llll éééé llll éééé llll éééé llll éééé llll</Line>
      <Line>ééll ééll ééll ééll ééll ééll ééll ééll ééll</Line>
      <Line>lléé lléé lléé lléé lléé lléé lléé lléé lléé</Line>
      <Line>opéa vdlr opéa vdlr opéa vdlr opéa vdlr opéa</Line>
      <Line>époa ldvr époa ldvr époa ldvr époa ldvr époa</Line>
      <Line>oéau vlrn oéau vlrn oéau vlrn oéau vlrn oéau </Line>

      <NewCharacters>b, f</NewCharacters>
      <Line>bbbb ffff bbbb ffff bbbb ffff bbbb ffff bbbb</Line>
      <Line>ffff bbbb ffff ffff bbbb ffff ffff bbbb ffff</Line>
      <Line>bbff bbff bbff bbff bbff bbff bbff bbff bbff</Line>
      <Line>ffbb ffbb ffbb ffbb ffbb ffbb ffbb ffbb ffbb</Line>
      <Line>bépo fldv bépo fldv bépo fldv bépo fldv bépo</Line>
      <Line>eoip uéab tvsd nlrf eoip uéab tvsd nlrf eoip</Line>
      <Line>uéab tvsd nlrf eoip uéab tvsd nlrf eoip uéab</Line>

      <NewCharacters>., q</NewCharacters>
      <Line>.... qqqq .... qqqq .... qqqq .... qqqq ....</Line>
      <Line>qqqq .... qqqq .... qqqq .... qqqq .... qqqq</Line>
      <Line>..qq ..qq ..qq ..qq ..qq ..qq ..qq ..qq ..qq</Line>
      <Line>qq.. qq.. qq.. qq.. qq.. qq.. qq.. qq.. qq..</Line>
      <Line>.eoa qtvr .eoa qtvr .eoa qtvr .eoa qtvr .eoa</Line>
      <Line>au.e rnqt au.e rnqt au.e rnqt au.e rnqt au.e</Line>
      <Line>qtsn .eiu qtsn .eiu qtsn .eiu qtsn .eiu qtsn</Line>
      <Line>qtcs .e,i qtcs .e,i qtcs .e,i qtcs .e,i qtcs</Line>

      <NewCharacters>h, g</NewCharacters>
      <Line>hhhh gggg hhhh gggg hhhh gggg hhhh gggg hhhh</Line>
      <Line>gggg hhhh gggg hhhh gggg hhhh gggg hhhh gggg</Line>
      <Line>hhgg hhgg hhgg hhgg hhgg hhgg hhgg hhgg hhgg</Line>
      <Line>gghh gghh gghh gghh gghh gghh gghh gghh gghh</Line>
      <Line>ctqg ,e.h ctqg ,e.h ctqg ,e.h ctqg ,e.h ctqg</Line>
      <Line>gqtc h.e, gqtc h.e, gqtc h.e, gqtc h.e, gqtc</Line>
      <Line>gggg hhhh qqqq .... gggg hhhh qqqq .... gggg</Line>

      <NewCharacters>y, x</NewCharacters>
      <Line>yyyy xxxx yyyy xxxx yyyy xxxx yyyy xxxx yyyy</Line>
      <Line>xxxx yyyy xxxx yyyy xxxx yyyy xxxx yyyy xxxx</Line>
      <Line>yyxx yyxx yyxx yyxx yyxx yyxx yyxx yyxx yyxx</Line>
      <Line>.hyo qgxv .hyo qgxv .hyo qgxv .hyo qgxv .hyo</Line>
      <Line>xlnr yéua xlnr yéua xlnr yéua xlnr yéua xlnr</Line>
      <Line>tqgx e.hy tqgx e.hy tqgx e.hy tqgx e.hy tqgx</Line>

      <NewCharacters>à, j</NewCharacters>
      <Line>àààà jjjj àààà jjjj àààà jjjj àààà jjjj àààà</Line>
      <Line>jjjj àààà jjjj àààà jjjj àààà jjjj àààà jjjj</Line>
      <Line>ààjj ààjj ààjj ààjj ààjj ààjj ààjj ààjj ààjj</Line>
      <Line>jjàà jjàà jjàà jjàà jjàà jjàà jjàà jjàà jjàà </Line>
      <Line>qgxj .hyà qgxj .hyà qgxj .hyà qgxj .hyà qgxj </Line>
      <Line>qvtj .oeà qvtj .oeà qvtj .oeà qvtj .oeà qvtj </Line>


Bon apprentissage !